Thursday, May 10, 2007

AND EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE THE COMPUTER hands you the very tool that you need. It had been another day of mp3 files, trying to wrest them where I wanted them. And just as I had got them loaded the Installations came. Both MSN and ATT Yahoo arrived at the same time.
This of course caused the super- anti- spyware to kick in thus our poor antique computer ground to a crawl. Nevermind that the installs assures one that one can continue working. The reality is a mad scramble to save as much as you can before the impending siezure and crash, and the dreaded reboot. But this is about tools, more specifically knives, arguably humankind's oldest and most used tool.

I love knives and they have pulled me out of many situations in the past. I was raised on the premise that a man carried a sharp knife in his pocket and many the high school teacher asked for my assistance in cutting this or that. I have been known to carry more than one. However the knife of which I speak of is a computer tool, a wee bit of script starting with http.
My youngest sibling sent me an urgent plea for politcal assitance in the form of writing our Congressmen. Maybe it was retailiation for it seems I'm almost always writing the swine about something and sending e-mails concerning these crusades. Thus it was post putting the Boss and the Cub to bed I found the e-mail in my box.

And I was begining the task of updating my address books to compose said missives when I stumbled accross this website: . And by using the copy/paste method of composition I had e-mails sent to all my Represenatives in less than two minutes. Here's the http thing:

Now there really is no excuse not to get involved. And yes, little things like this make my day.
A brand new knife. Can you say saturation?

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