Saturday, May 26, 2007

IN THE VACUUM OF DISSENT COMES THE OFT MALIGNED PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER taking a page out of Harry Truman's witticism to "Call a Spade a Spade". For far too long the stench of the State Department has lingered over U.S. foreign policy and at it's core is Condi Rice.

Not too long ago amid the many scandals and loose talk out of Washington D.C., President Putin warned the U.S. of deteriorating diplomatic ties and a possible renewal of the cold war. I noticed that Secretary of War(Defense) Gates was dispatched to Moscow not Condi Rice. It's obvious even to those bunkered down in the Rose Garden that Condi's credibility in diplomatic circles is non-existent. This administration pushed for democratic elections in Palestine and Venezuela but when the peoples of the countries choose their respective governments the Administration swiftly withdrew their support.

In other words-'Choose the government we tell you to, not the one you want.' She pushed for elections in Egypt whose fragile pro-secular government damn near toppled because of it. Her uncomptemplated statements and policies have undermined decades of diplomatic good -will built by administrations of both parties. In the world's political arena we are now looked upon as war-like thugs.

And do not forget that Condi was the loudest vocalist of the non-existent 'WMD' when she was the NSA chief. If she wasn't the architect of the Iraq quagmire, then she was the head cheerleader. I remember one of her speeches and the then Secretary of Defense Gen. Colin Powell was in the background looking mighty uncomfortable. I came to watch him and his body language as the lies and deceit stretched on and it was clear to me that he was going to get out of the saddle soon. That Condi nabbed the slot was no surprise for she is the Queen of Doublespeak. Most of her statements are at best vague if not downright comical in her delusion that the Diplomatic World takes her seriously. I read somewhere that after her retirement/recall/incarceration (whichever comes first) that she plans to 'teach at Stanford and write her memoirs'. If I were on the Trustee Board of Stanford I'd be a little unnerved. I wouldn't want such mediocrity running amok on my campus.

The campuses are populated primarily by the young web-sophisticated generation. Their hours on the web has sharped their crap-detection skills like a fine knife. I doubt that many would view Condi Rice as a draw when choosing a school. In fact I couldn't think of a better student repellent. I'm glad she hasn't shown an interest in Kansas schools........

And while I praised Jimmy Carter at the beginning of this piece now I must rant against him for backing down from his well said statements. For in doing so, he just underscored his Achilles heel of being perceived as soft. What the country needs especially from our senior Statesmen are strong-worded, well contemplated, articulate simple observations and critiques. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE. Some will say that a 'war' President should not be criticized. George Washington turned down the monarchy when it was offered to him. There's not a doubt in my mind that any of the Gang of Four-Bush, Cheney, Rove or Rice would snatch it up if they had the chance.

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