Sunday, July 08, 2007

IT WAS WITHOUT DOUBT THE MOST SUBDUED FOURTH OF JULY THAT I CAN REMEMBER SINCE WATERGATE AND MUCH FOR THE SAME REASONS…..the usurping of the Republic political and economic ends. In a move that one day I fear will be harkened to the caning of Representative Summers in 1856, King George pardoned his lackey the traitor Libby. This was nothing less than a cold dagger thrust into the back of Lady Liberty, for it blatantly reveals that the Law in the United States is dead. Without Law anarchy will follow soon thus the forthcoming ‘suspension of the Constitution’ is sure to appear in the next few months.

The recent and growing wave of mass shootings reinforces this. People nationwide are feeling helpless and disfranchised, seeing only a lifetime of servitude for the wealthy elite yawning before them. They are constantly barraged with advertisements of goods and items that are unnecessary, unaffordable and only serve to chain their owner to said possessions and thus their corporate masters. The new AT&T looks and suspiciously acts like the old AT&T, a corporate are mouth without care or concern for its patrons or the law. ‘Free press’ has been replaced by monopolies that spew forth their corporate spin, spurning or spinning the truth for their benefit. It is no wonder that fragile minds oft explode in seemingly random violence. What is wondrous is that there are so few incidents. These acts of violence are but a part of the cancer.

Where I live the Fourth of July is usually an awe inspiring spectacle. We have the usual city-county public fireworks display (which is really quite good, better than most urban shows that I’ve seen) but on the Fourth as dusk falls the sleepy little towns awaken. When the dark arrives the skies are usually lit up in color and stay that way until 12:01a.m. One can usually see the neighboring towns at work and it is a spectacle, the little towns on the vast plains and the fireworks spewing non-stop above them. Black powder floats through the towns like a fog…..but this year it was lackluster. I did not wonder why.

For in the tradition of Sgt. York, I try to fire off one of my weapons every year on the Fourth, in memory of my ancestor that fought in the Revolution and my Father and Grandfathers that fought in the subsequent wars. I fly my flags. I did neither this year, my heart was too black. I’m afraid that I will need the ammunition.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

YES, 'TREASON, TREASON MOST FOUL!' AGAIN DOMINATES THE STAGE TODAY AS SCOOTER LIBBY the scapegoat of the Administration is sentenced. But not for outing a covert CIA Agent but for lying and obstruction. The identity of the traitor within the midst of the Executive Branch is unknown.

CIA personnel are arguable the 'super-patriots of America'. They sacrifice a life of normalcy, their personal security and often their lives and liberty in service of their country. Outing a convert agent not only places the agent at risk, it effectively destroys any network he or she might developed in the course of their job of protecting the United Sates. Thus the operatives working with that agent are at risk as well. Therfore the credibility of the CIA is undermined for the sake of future sources and operatives. For who in the murkiness of spy-world would deal with an agency that is snitched out by the leaders of that very same nation?

Now Valerie Plume, that valiant warrior of freedom again is in the midst of the fray. After her career was callously destroyed and her life possibly endangered, she and her husband have tried to regain some sense of a private life. She wrote a book. Now it seems the very same organizations she worked for want to quash it on the grounds of 'National Security'. I seriously doubt that Ms. Plume would disclose vital government secrets for the sake of a book. What she possibly could expose is a trail to the Traitor within our Executive Branch. There are some pretty nervous people up there in the White House. This attempted quashing of the First Amendment is just another example of how these swine spurn the very laws they are sworn to uphold.

Traitors are the lowest vermin on the earth. Capitol punishment should be the prescribed sentence. I humbly suggest bullets and blindfolds.
THE WORD OF THE DAY IS TREASON. I WAS SUPRISED THAT THE LAST AMERICAN charged with treason was fifty-six years before Adam Gadahn, that turban covered lackey of the Great Coward Osoma Bin Laden. Treason is on the same slimy level of charactor as child-molestation. To give succur and aid to those bent on attacking the civillian population of one's own country is nothing less than monsterous.But there is another monster out there, perhaps more sinister and hideous than the Worm of Jihad Gadahn. That monster lies within the Adminstration of the Executive Branch of the United States. Whomever that person is, they are still there attacking the very freedoms that the left-hand-sucking-newt of Al Queada Gadahn eschewed when he decided to become a slave to a zealot. For in my mind's eye, the 'leaking' of an active covert agent of the Central Intelligence Agency to fufill a political agenda is 'Treason! Treason most foul!' (my apologies to the Bard)

Saturday, May 26, 2007

IN THE VACUUM OF DISSENT COMES THE OFT MALIGNED PRESIDENT JIMMY CARTER taking a page out of Harry Truman's witticism to "Call a Spade a Spade". For far too long the stench of the State Department has lingered over U.S. foreign policy and at it's core is Condi Rice.

Not too long ago amid the many scandals and loose talk out of Washington D.C., President Putin warned the U.S. of deteriorating diplomatic ties and a possible renewal of the cold war. I noticed that Secretary of War(Defense) Gates was dispatched to Moscow not Condi Rice. It's obvious even to those bunkered down in the Rose Garden that Condi's credibility in diplomatic circles is non-existent. This administration pushed for democratic elections in Palestine and Venezuela but when the peoples of the countries choose their respective governments the Administration swiftly withdrew their support.

In other words-'Choose the government we tell you to, not the one you want.' She pushed for elections in Egypt whose fragile pro-secular government damn near toppled because of it. Her uncomptemplated statements and policies have undermined decades of diplomatic good -will built by administrations of both parties. In the world's political arena we are now looked upon as war-like thugs.

And do not forget that Condi was the loudest vocalist of the non-existent 'WMD' when she was the NSA chief. If she wasn't the architect of the Iraq quagmire, then she was the head cheerleader. I remember one of her speeches and the then Secretary of Defense Gen. Colin Powell was in the background looking mighty uncomfortable. I came to watch him and his body language as the lies and deceit stretched on and it was clear to me that he was going to get out of the saddle soon. That Condi nabbed the slot was no surprise for she is the Queen of Doublespeak. Most of her statements are at best vague if not downright comical in her delusion that the Diplomatic World takes her seriously. I read somewhere that after her retirement/recall/incarceration (whichever comes first) that she plans to 'teach at Stanford and write her memoirs'. If I were on the Trustee Board of Stanford I'd be a little unnerved. I wouldn't want such mediocrity running amok on my campus.

The campuses are populated primarily by the young web-sophisticated generation. Their hours on the web has sharped their crap-detection skills like a fine knife. I doubt that many would view Condi Rice as a draw when choosing a school. In fact I couldn't think of a better student repellent. I'm glad she hasn't shown an interest in Kansas schools........

And while I praised Jimmy Carter at the beginning of this piece now I must rant against him for backing down from his well said statements. For in doing so, he just underscored his Achilles heel of being perceived as soft. What the country needs especially from our senior Statesmen are strong-worded, well contemplated, articulate simple observations and critiques. FREEDOM OF SPEECH IS A RIGHT, NOT A PRIVILEGE. Some will say that a 'war' President should not be criticized. George Washington turned down the monarchy when it was offered to him. There's not a doubt in my mind that any of the Gang of Four-Bush, Cheney, Rove or Rice would snatch it up if they had the chance.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

AND EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE THE COMPUTER hands you the very tool that you need. It had been another day of mp3 files, trying to wrest them where I wanted them. And just as I had got them loaded the Installations came. Both MSN and ATT Yahoo arrived at the same time.
This of course caused the super- anti- spyware to kick in thus our poor antique computer ground to a crawl. Nevermind that the installs assures one that one can continue working. The reality is a mad scramble to save as much as you can before the impending siezure and crash, and the dreaded reboot. But this is about tools, more specifically knives, arguably humankind's oldest and most used tool.

I love knives and they have pulled me out of many situations in the past. I was raised on the premise that a man carried a sharp knife in his pocket and many the high school teacher asked for my assistance in cutting this or that. I have been known to carry more than one. However the knife of which I speak of is a computer tool, a wee bit of script starting with http.
My youngest sibling sent me an urgent plea for politcal assitance in the form of writing our Congressmen. Maybe it was retailiation for it seems I'm almost always writing the swine about something and sending e-mails concerning these crusades. Thus it was post putting the Boss and the Cub to bed I found the e-mail in my box.

And I was begining the task of updating my address books to compose said missives when I stumbled accross this website: . And by using the copy/paste method of composition I had e-mails sent to all my Represenatives in less than two minutes. Here's the http thing:

Now there really is no excuse not to get involved. And yes, little things like this make my day.
A brand new knife. Can you say saturation?

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

YES AND AFTER SOME COMMENTS I WASN'T GOING TO POST until I had done some tinkering with the appearance of this blog which led to a long tutorial encompassing computer 101,editing Html and et cetera. I am almost there but the fury and the aftermath of the Greensburg tragedy has led me to belie that notion and pen these thoughts....

"Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius said Sunday evening that the state’s response will likely be hampered because much of the equipment usually positioned around the state to respond to emergencies — including tents, trucks and semitrailers — is now in Iraq."Not having the National Guard equipment, which used to be positioned in various parts of the state, to bring in immediately is really going to handicap this effort to rebuild," said Sebelius.Also Monday, Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius said the government’s response to the disaster was undermined by ongoing National Guard deployments to the Middle East."I don’t think there is any question if you are missing trucks, Humvees and helicopters that the response is going to be slower," Sebelius said. "The real victims here will be the residents of Greensburg, because the recovery will be at a slower pace."-MSNBC.Com

Of which has been a consistent theme in my ongoing communications with our Senators and Representatives in Washington. The shades of Katrina have come home to rest here on the plains, with Tornado season just starting and the Madrid fault line in Missouri ever-lurking in the background. It appears my fears were justified as the carnage in Iraq continues unabated, Bin Laden still sucking air,our troops in harm's way still under-equipped and no real end of the insanity in sight.

New Orleans lies in shambles still, its recovery a question mark as the hurricane season looms. I fear the fate of Greensburg will be the same,(if not terminal) for it is a common knowledge out here on the plains that the towns and hamlets that dot it surface are for the most part,just scraping by. These small agriculturally based communities have taken heavy economic and demographic hits as agriculture has less family orientated and more akin to big business. Every year there are less and less reasons for the young to stay and live subsidence lives as opposed to relocating to larger metropolitan areas.The recovery of Greensburg is in real jeopardy due to the above economic factors. I fear that the Iraq war and its 'trickle-down' effect with be the death knell for yet another tiny oasis on the plains.

There is hope and it lies with the communications possible via the web. I was the last of my family to 'go on-line' and even then it took years to realize the awesome power that lies within cyberspace (mostly within the last six months). People, we really need to turn up the heat on our elected Representatives and quell the tyrannical Administration in the White House. We must make it clear to those representing us that WE are the boss, not the GOP, not the pacs.And if they continue to blatantly ignore us, then they will lose their 100 day, 100,000k plus jobs.

Maybe we should look at revoking their pension plans as so many Americans have had done to them in the past ten years.That could pay for a lot of armour,humvees,and big trucks desperately needed across the nation...............

Friday, February 09, 2007

"WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD SHIP 360 TONS OF CASH TO A WAR ZONE?" Indeed. I don't remember the name of the outraged legislator that posed that question due to the fact that I was reeling from my chair. Nine billion dollars. Cash. Shipped aboard a monstrous cargo plane straight to the war zone. And no paper trail as to what became of it. (By the time that tidbit was revealed I was on the floor gasping for breath.)

As a mental exercise, I tried to grasp the sheer immensity of it all. A modern round-bale of prairie hay weighs at about one ton each. I figure that stacked and wrapped money would be a bit denser due to the fabric and the ink, so let us say a bale o' cash weighs 2 tons. Let's say that you could stick twenty such bales of greenbacks per tractor-trailer rig. That would be 13 semi-trucks full of cash. With no bill of lading.

As choppers begin to drop out of the skies in Iraq, I wonder just how much of that shipment the arms traders have snapped up. Iraq is geographically close to Russia, the motherland of arms deals. It's an established fact that helicopters are susceptible to small arms fire, much less hand-held missile launchers. Every instinct in my body screams that we've armed the militias that are shooting at our troops.

As the war jets roar over the Smokey Hill bombing range in ever increasing frequency it's no wonder Iran is bantering sabers with Condi Rice and King George the II. It's good business.

Monday, January 29, 2007

ONE OF THE COOLEST GRAPHICS I'VE seen on the web recently was just after the Chinese shot down their own satellite. By launching the animation, one could learn how military scientists could disable satellites from the ground or space. I kept playing the dumb thing over and over again. I showed it to my family who of course were not as impressed or enthralled.

And as the course of the week's events played out; the beginnings of 'Surge the Course' the revolt of the Republican Senators, the unabashed sabre rattling of the bunkered -delusional administration, the anti-war protest on the Mall, that animation kept haunting me. And there were lots of presidential comparisons Bush to Johnson, Bush to Nixon which after quick analysis were listless. Johnson had his great Social programs, Nixon his diplomatic achievements, like the recognition of the People's Republic of China. Bush only has the Iraq war and Katrina.

It strikes my memory that the Chinese have a legacy of not-so-subtle hints in the past. By all accounts, it was a "we knew that they knew that we knew" scenario which appeared to stump the military pundits on just why China had destroyed the satellite. Until early one morning I caught a netcast with a former intelligence worker (I think his surname was Clarke) whose thesis was thus: China destroyed the satellite to prove that it had the capabilities, therefore underscoring the statement that if China was to go to war with the U.S., then they would at first knock out our cyberspace, effectively blinding us. With the military stretched past its limit, a U.N. Chinese Peacekeeping Force could theoretically have great success if they invaded the
U.S. Which is maybe not so far-fetched as it would seem. China has the world's largest standing Army. Although not as sophisticated in its weaponry, the Chinese soldier is highly motivated with most troops doing 20 year hitches. (China IS solidly in the Kalashnikov camp of small arms; a definite plus as both Vietnam and Iraq have brutally taught us.)

An military strike against Iran could very well enable the world opinion of the U.S. as a out-of-control aggressor that should be stopped. (By the way, do we have an ambassador to the U.N. yet?) And the quickest, safest method would be to shut down the cyberspace communications. Here's the kicker....according to the above mentioned pundit the war in Iraq has diverted almost all of the military's resources so that we are ineffectually sitting ducks in space.

Damn. There goes the YouTube.

Saturday, January 20, 2007

YES AND SOMETIMES THE HOWLS TURN INTO A PRIMAL SCREAM, lost into the Banshee wail of the blizzard. Much like my blog concerning the hanging of Saddam Hussein. I'd stayed up late into the morning with the absolute faith that YouTube would show the despot's demise. I remember well that morning as my fingers stumbled about the keyboard, the blog flowing smoothly into the machine as the anti-Holiday music blared from the speakers and was gone. The blog, the tunes, the Internet connection.

Thus began my latest adventure into the realm of cybereese-computer configurations. I am on a first name basis with most of the support personnel of my provider and computer manufacturer. Therefore this is my heartfelt apology for my sloth at this endeavor. But between the drivers, downloads, scans and installs I did manage to remember the points of the blogs I wanted to write during my war with the over sized word-processor.

Saddam Hussein Hangs- As seen on YouTube- the U.S. could in no way, shape, or form leave that presence sucking air in Iraq as a rallying point for the civil war's flame. The taunting of his guards and executioners brought forth the realization that yes, the militias are deep within the government.

The First 100 Hours of Congress- A pleasant surprise that they actually got more done in this ballyhooed time than the former infamous 100 Day Congress.

21,540 Troops to Iraq- ( Or Stay the Course Duex) Down originally almost 18,00 troops as first proposed, the logic is grimly flawed. And some Senators were rightly concerned that some of these troops are being pulled from Afghanistan. Remember Afghanistan? Home of AL-Qaeda? By the way, WHERE IS USAMA BIN LADEN?

The Grey Suits to the White House- President Bush explains Stay the Course Duex to his core Republicans. " There were few smiles at that meeting" is one quote I remember. But to me, the abstention of the delegation from even commenting told the tale. Obviously the e-mail, snail mail and phone lines have been busy. Not to mention the rest of the Net.

Obama, Clinton announce their candidacy on the Web- Brownback from Heritage Hall in Topeka Kansas. This should clearly demonstrate just who is on the cutting edge of politics and who is living in the good- 'ole -boy -world of the past century. Again I am amazed at the potential political force the Internet has become in just a short time.

AND JUST HOW did I finally 'fix' the computer? Simple. I downloaded the season 3, episode 19 of Married with Children into the machine. Then I hooked-up one of those cheap computer cameras to it so it could watch me as I got the 20 pound sledge out of the shop and placed it next to my chair........