Tuesday, June 05, 2007

YES, 'TREASON, TREASON MOST FOUL!' AGAIN DOMINATES THE STAGE TODAY AS SCOOTER LIBBY the scapegoat of the Administration is sentenced. But not for outing a covert CIA Agent but for lying and obstruction. The identity of the traitor within the midst of the Executive Branch is unknown.

CIA personnel are arguable the 'super-patriots of America'. They sacrifice a life of normalcy, their personal security and often their lives and liberty in service of their country. Outing a convert agent not only places the agent at risk, it effectively destroys any network he or she might developed in the course of their job of protecting the United Sates. Thus the operatives working with that agent are at risk as well. Therfore the credibility of the CIA is undermined for the sake of future sources and operatives. For who in the murkiness of spy-world would deal with an agency that is snitched out by the leaders of that very same nation?

Now Valerie Plume, that valiant warrior of freedom again is in the midst of the fray. After her career was callously destroyed and her life possibly endangered, she and her husband have tried to regain some sense of a private life. She wrote a book. Now it seems the very same organizations she worked for want to quash it on the grounds of 'National Security'. I seriously doubt that Ms. Plume would disclose vital government secrets for the sake of a book. What she possibly could expose is a trail to the Traitor within our Executive Branch. There are some pretty nervous people up there in the White House. This attempted quashing of the First Amendment is just another example of how these swine spurn the very laws they are sworn to uphold.

Traitors are the lowest vermin on the earth. Capitol punishment should be the prescribed sentence. I humbly suggest bullets and blindfolds.

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