Tuesday, June 05, 2007

THE WORD OF THE DAY IS TREASON. I WAS SUPRISED THAT THE LAST AMERICAN charged with treason was fifty-six years before Adam Gadahn, that turban covered lackey of the Great Coward Osoma Bin Laden. Treason is on the same slimy level of charactor as child-molestation. To give succur and aid to those bent on attacking the civillian population of one's own country is nothing less than monsterous.But there is another monster out there, perhaps more sinister and hideous than the Worm of Jihad Gadahn. That monster lies within the Adminstration of the Executive Branch of the United States. Whomever that person is, they are still there attacking the very freedoms that the left-hand-sucking-newt of Al Queada Gadahn eschewed when he decided to become a slave to a zealot. For in my mind's eye, the 'leaking' of an active covert agent of the Central Intelligence Agency to fufill a political agenda is 'Treason! Treason most foul!' (my apologies to the Bard)

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