Sunday, December 03, 2006

"WELCOME TO MY HOUSE," OUR ESTEEMED SENATOR FROM KANSAS BROWNBACK shot at Senator Barack Obama, at the recent AIDS conference at Saddleback Church in Orange County California.

"It's my house too," rejoined the junior Senator from Illinois. And thus am I reminded of one of my grandfather's favourite adages; 'Don't bring a knife to a gunfight.' Which to me is primary fascination I have with the Senator from Illinois, his intellect. I happened to catch his speech at the Democratic Convention, and was amazed at his elegance of speech. I enjoy watching his
agile mind logically explain his middle- of -the- road positions and convictions in concise and concrete English.

And if you missed these blurbs about the conference look'em up. It is a fascinating story about what religion could do in the political world. Congratulations to all involved.

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