Friday, December 01, 2006

I ALMOST CALLED THIS BLOG DEMOCRAT WITH A GUN......but I didn't coin the phrase so therefore I went with HOWLS FROM KANSAS. However it pretty much sums up part of my political ideology. That and Don't Tread On Me from the American revolution......

Now as the Democrats begin to hire interior designers for their new offices on The Hill I'm beginning to hear murmurs from the conservative news-mouths about 'gun control' Democrats. Which was a topic avoided during the last election as far as I could ascertain. We should keep it so. Obviously Katrina proved that government can't provide security in a disaster natural or otherwise. The National Guard for all real purposes, is either in Iraq or building a long armadillo fence in Texas-New Mexico-Arizona. Gen. John Abizaid is asking for more troops as Iraq spirals into the civil war of the Bush Administration's creation. Estimations of desertions of the New Orleans Police Force during Katrina range as high as 30%.

Now the former Speaker of the House is calling for an abolishment of the First Amendment to the Constitution. ( There will be some that say I misinterpret his speech in New Hampshire but to me a civil war is a civil war and censorship is censorship.) The Second Amendment is the cornerstone that supports the Constitution for it lends to the powers -that- be that tangible belief that we will not be cowered like the peoples of Germany in the 1930's by tyrants like Newt & Company. It is therefore an internal defense mechanism to give would-be depots and power mongers reason to pause before they willy-nilly suspend the Constitution in the name of Homeland Security. The specter of Korean, Viet-Nam and Iraqi vets rising up to defend their rights is surely in the back of their twisted-minds.

And the point? As I've said before it's often the silence that screams the loudest. The Democratic party should stand for all civil liberties. Therefore it should view the gun-control debate as a sure way to drive many one-issue voters unwittingly back to the folds of the fascists.

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